






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Zahra Saie Date of Birth: 1985, London

She gained her Diploma degree in Graphics in the year 2001 , Tehran. Further on she started her university studies in handicrafts in 2002

Her first individual painting exhibition was held in Fakhteh gallery, 2007, Tehran.

After several cooperation with different interior design &wall painting companies in Tehran, She participated in the international interior design exhibition in wall painting segment.

At the same year she commenced her professional activities in the field of carpet design, And was employed by several hand and machine making carpet factories to offer them carpet designs.

Her high quality paintings, led them to be published in the Black Book in the year 2007.

Her most recent exhibition named “Masks” was held in Kamaleddin Behzad Gallery ,Tehran 2008. A radio & a TV interview was conducted with her by News channel regarding her art

Artist Highlights