






Portfolio Gallery

I use representational technique mostly to put the art "in your face" so you get the message loud and clear...but lately I am feeling like I want to experiment with abstraction for a more mysterious approach. I believe in positive messages, for the most part, but I also think expressing the gamut of emotions is a healthy outlet for the soul. I try to express spirituality in a lot of my work, either directly or indirectly. Sometimes I like to be a portrait painter, if I think the character is interesting in some way, or someone I like. Since I garden, I also have a love affair with flowers in art, but I like to portray them as related to the universe somehow. Being from Chicago, I have a love for great architecture so I have done art of Frank Lloyd Wright (of course) and also, since I live in the South now, some of the lovely antebellum homes that survived the scourge of the Civil War...they are some of the loveliest old homes left in the US, because the South would not tear them down for "progress." Eventually with my portfolio I would like to portray in Art "The Theory of Everything," i.e., where everything is shown to be connected; but I will do it in Art, not with Logic.

2 Images for People/Portrait