





Artist Bio

I've always loved colors, shapes and ideas. That's why, when illustration came across, I didn't let it go.

I studied Illustration in Barcelona, my native city. Now I'm living in Buenos Aires where I learned from big argentinian artists.

I've worked for most publishers in Argentina and for 3 children clothes companies: Owoko and Ciudadela in Argentina and Crazy Daisy in Japan.

I illustrated 4 books (Fabulario 1, 2, 3 & 4) for Pequeno Emece publishers (Argentina, 2004).

2 for Calibroscopio publisher (Argentina, 2005): "El chupete perdido" and "Los paseos de Coco Drilo".

2 more for Edelvives (Spain, 2005): "El duende de la Ñ" and "L'Avi Pillastre".

And the last one is called "Magic Train Ride" and will be published by Barefoot Books (USA-UK) in 2006.

Artist Highlights