





Artist Bio

Kyle Miller says he’s been drawing cartoons “as long as he can remember,” but he got his first professional cartooning job drawing caricatures in a local amusement park while he was still in high school. Since then, he’s had many jobs, including Engineering Aide at the Johnson Space Center in Houston and CAD Designer in Orlando, Florida. Along the way, Kyle was able to combine his love of cartoons and games in creating the unique look of “Toon, the Cartoon Roleplaying Game” for Steve Jackson Games, which still enjoys a small, devoted following.

Kyle has spent the last decade as a Designer and Art Director at Dynamix, a maker of computer games. While there, Kyle directed the creation of many popular games, including 3D Ultra Pinball, but had to leave when the company closed its doors due to efforts to improve the parent company’s bottom line.

Kyle currently provides the artwork for "Working Daze" which can be seen daily at United Media's website, and he still provides game design consulting services Kyle also has another cartoon strip, “Aimless,” which can be seen on his website at

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