• Steven Venus
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  • Added 11 Dec 2010
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Hempoil Cures Cancer

Hempoil cures cancer, watch "run from the cure" on youtube.com hey all Steven here I wanted to tell you about this program that lets you instantly? make blogs and articles without doing any work. easy way to make money online.go here check it out http://paydotcom.net/r/9912/ma­ntisothica/26645428/


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 02 Apr 2011


Anonymous Guest 04 Mar 2011

awesome dude didnt know that i

Anonymous Guest 04 Mar 2011

ching chong chang ching ching chong wong dow long song bow la dong

Artist Reply: wtf lol

Anonymous Guest 28 Feb 2011

Hey Steve, this is Dr. Octipeep, the doctor from Brazil. Sorry it took me so long to respond, I was on an expedition in Peru looking for a Crystal Skull. I think you have a very well thought out plan to legalize marijuana. I will get my high profile colleagues at Harvard and Johns Hopkins for funding for you.

Artist Reply: I have made even bigger and more incredible leaps from last time, my progress is coming along, I almost have access to all the hempoil I need to do my work, plans are falling in place, though at this rate it may take years. I have evolved my plan into something bigger and better to make a big impact, though my plan is not legal so I would have to further discuss it in private. wow you are searching for the crystal skulls, thats amazing. Ive read books on them and I believe they are directly related to some kind of human evolution after 2012. If you came through that promise on the funding, I would be speachless. you can directly email me at [email protected] thank you Steven Venus

Anonymous Guest 11 Dec 2010

Wow! Is this all true? I can't wait till it's legalized! I think you should lead the quest to legalize marijuana. I am medical doctor from Brazil and I have done much research on dogs and have had very promising results.

Artist Reply: Hello, mr. doctor from brazil. This Is Steven Venus, Im glad you landed my artwork, Im also glad you said that I should lead the quest to legalizing marijuana. Because that is exactly what my plans are. This is where I am at on my progress First. I need to gain a bigger voice, that means fame. I also need to make some money for my ads about hemp oil, The goal here is to get This information out to the public, The more public knows about hempoil curing cancer, the more weed haters get converted to supporters. To gain the fame and money I need, I have to become a celebrity actor. my progress with that, a few weeks ago I just got a SAG funded talent agent, she said that my look is perfect for roles and she guarantees that if I put the work in, she can connect me with the right people to get me out there and ill be famous in no time. next step is acting class next month which is a little expensive. any way you could help, buy my artwork, tell your friends about my artwork. advertise my page artwanted.com/stevenvenus. or a medical doctor must be good in money lol send some of that love this way so these big goals of mine quantum leap to completion, anything you do to help the cause is greatly appreciated, and will make a big difference to my life and everyone around me I am trying to help