





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Hello, My name is Taylor Lang, I am finally doing what I feel is right..right meaning that I am able to use my knowledge and thoughts and finally put them in words and then concepts. All my life I have been given chances to play athletics and pursue education. I walk to the public library in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where I interpret the thoughts and works of the great minds of our past. While reading I put art and literature into my own concepts. I have found it easy to learn from reading and put things into my own words...either by depicting it through art, literature, or photography. I have found more knowledge by reading something for myself rather than being told what I should listen to and learn. The library is free and I see this as an oppurtunity to create new ideas in which I hope people will like. But, if not I know in my mind that my art and literature is something I enjoy... that enough is motivation for me to keep thinking and creating. So instead of going along with society why not do something new and not be afraid. I'm not ok with being ok. Would you rather meet someone new or someone just like everyone else? Try not to cut yourself short in life, but look up and waive at the people in the distance. Be happy with who you are. Instead of looking down at the sidewalk which may hold your thoughts of hate and regrets, walk with your head up opening your eyes to the people who are willing to acknoledge you. So live the life you love... and if your living your life with love... then you'll be loving the life you live. Thanks, feel free to contact and comment on any of my work because I will never know who you are unless you are willing to tell me your thoughts.... Here's a little quote I found on a brick while walking up to the Multicultural Education Center at the University of Northern Iowa..."Teaching is a way of touching the future.."

Taylor Lang

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