






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I have been painting for about fifteen years and have learned so much. It seems to me that when you are an artist there is no end to learning. I suppose the reason I like painting so much is because it causes me to focus on the beautiful things that are all around us. I notice the clouds in a way that I never did before. I question why does a rock look like a rock? Why are waves green, blue and purple? My eyes have been opened and I continue to be stretched. I believe the biggest challenge for me lately has been trying to find time to paint. Life throws in its distractions but I must keep on keeping on! I count it a privilege to be able to create and express who I am through my art.

When I approach the beginning of a painting I have to sit down and decide what I want to paint. This can be daunting because the choices are unending. I then begin to mix colors, keeping swatches to decide which ones will work best. I go through this process with each of the objects that I will be adding. For example I choose what I want the sky to look like. Should the sun be shinning or should I add clouds? I study each section piece by piece. By the time I sit down to paint I already know exactly what I want and what colors I will use. Maybe there are those who can just sit down and paint master pieces without any forethought but for me it is very methodical. Each to his or her own I suppose!

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just would like to make a comment.

Thank You!

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