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Canadian artist Autumn Domoslai grew up in the mountains and interior regions of British Columbia. It was here, where a few of the great primal forests still stand, that she became aware of the path she would walk. Since then, her life has been a magickal journey full of trials and adventure. Most of all, it has been a journey of the sacred and of learning that all is not as it seems nor do magick and nature work as humans would have it. Destiny works in strange ways. With an Irish father and a Romany (Gypsy) mother, Autumn was never a stranger to the mysteries of the Otherworld. The path of the Mysteries seemed but to reaffirm both the strength of what she had always believed in, and to add an intensity to her work as an artist. Her fascination with and rendering of the Fey realms derives from here. Autumn has been a professional artist for 18 years, having taught herself her craft of choice. It is Autumn's firm belief that Magick and Spirit abound all around us if only we take the time to seek it, and sometimes it can be seen through the eyes of one who has walked the Sacred Paths and treacherous trails and brought back the old stories and legends of romance and valour, of courage and sacrifice. The haunting beauty of Autumn's work reflects the magick that she sees. It has touched the hearts and spirits of collectors all across North America. Autumn works in many mediums, from breathtaking wood and polymer clay sculptures to painstakingly detailed panel boards and canvases. Autumn resides with her daughter and managerie near Lac Ste Anne in central Alberta. Follow Autumn on Twitter at: autumndomoslai or join her fanpage on Facebook at: The art of Autumn Domoslai

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