





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am not an Artist, but that does not mean I can't critique someone's art. I was a history/religion teacher for several years and before that I went to a private university in Pennsylvania. Now I'm just kind of figuring out what I want to do next.

But here is what I really want to say: What I put up on my page are musings and anyone too blind to see that they are satire can just go away. Art requires certain talents that I just don't posess but I do admire those of you who have it. I do think this site and some of it's members take criticism way to seriously. When I criticize it is only to express my opinion or to perhaps help artists take another look at their stuff. Tell me my stuff sucks and I just shrug it off, life is too short for me to care. If something I say hurts your feelings then there must be a grain of truth in it or you wouldn't give it the time of day. Well goodbye and good day.

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