





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am compelled to continually work to capture the elusive qualities that create our personal and public identity.

Humor is prevalent in my work. Image making is how I process my personal and public experiences. As a young child I spent hours creating personas and scenarios for my cartoon characters, Quick Draw McDraw was an all time favorite.

I begin each image with a visual idea, yet as the work begins each piece takes on a life of its own. This is the point where I become the follower instead of the leader of the work.

My lifelong passion of Chinese calligraphy and Asian philosophy influences how I view my surroundings. My works begins quickly recording strong lines influenced by Chinese brush painting capturing the essence a person viewed from a Western mentality; creating a childlike directness.

Often the work moves to another medium including drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, and video.... but this is how it all begins.

Each series is a story usually taking between six months to a year to complete; building to the point of creating another series (story).

Emotion runs strong in my work allowing each viewer his own interpretation.

Quote Deborah Sundquist "I love the imaginative use of the human form. This work focuses on color, movement and the creative use of line. The pose is of utmost importance. I depict the everyday in a more unique style."

Artist Highlights