





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Self-taught, multi-media artist Myk Martinez is known mostly for his cartooning, paintings and photography. He taught himself through ritualism, creating at least one work a day for over 40 years.

As an illustrator, his cartoons have been featured in publications throughout Vermont and the nationally syndicated Comic News Magazine, where Martinez served as Managing Editor. In addition to creating prints and greeting cards, he has also self-published thirteen books.

As a painter, he is moved by the memory of beauty he was not able to capture on film. He is inspired by the wonderful world around him and he translates that beauty by pushing pigments around, either physical or digital. These paintings were all created with a hyper-realistic painting application. The application provides him all the same elements as a real art studio. The paint is realistic, manipulated and blended by the artist. Though this digital format, the painting itself is not digitally enhanced. The application allows Martinez the ability to have his entire studio with him whenever and wherever he is. He loves painting landscapes and seascapes and is known for his ability to capture color and light. Most of his paintings are inspired by Vermont, the Northeast Sea Coast, The Florida Keys, and images from his mind. Martinez exists to make the world a better, happier place through art.

Artist Highlights