






Artist Bio

Let's see.... I am an artist from Tennessee whose goal in life is to be a character designer.

Designing is my reason for being here, I both think and feel this. ^_^ I spend most of my time thinking up scenarios for my characters and trying to write stories based upon them, though I just as often reverse this and just make up new characters and such. (In other words, I design things) I do more thinking than writing and don't spend enough time writing these stories down, mainly due to my shyness. (people can't laugh at what they can't read... did I mention I like to design things?) I LOVE to draw, and I also enjoy meeting new people as well, so by no means should anyone be afraid to ask me to draw something or leave a comment on my drawings. An artist'll love ya for that :) err... not in any WEIRD way. *sweatdrop*

I am a fan of many MANY types of anime, though Sailor Moon, DBZ, and Gundam have left the biggest impresions on me. ^_^ I hope someday to create my own anime/manga, either alone or with the help of others. I like to make people think, feel, and laugh as much as anything else, though my wit and spirit always seem to move too fast for my mouth to keep up. :/

The decicion itself is more important than what you're deciding.......

Artist Highlights