





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

About me:

I am a professor of arts in public education in my city, I have a small studio where I develop new illustrations, paintings and sculptures as a hobby. At first when I entered the artwanted, I did not expect much return for the comments of other artists in relation to my art. I am very happy today to be a member of a community as creative and spontaneous.

About my work:

My art work if divede in 4 phases, that I call: Biomeca, Contrast, Design and DossierVert. Each stage corresponds to an important part of my life.

The monochromatic works that are called phase Biomeca, correspond to the youth works, when my traces searched perfectioning in comics of Moebius or John Buscena with has touched of the manga japanese.

The second phase that I call Contrast, is the works that I learned to develop techniques of colors in my graduation in arts fine. They are works richly colored. I had 26 years old at the time.

The third phase that I call Design, was the phase whom I´m graduade in design graphical and start to work in the area. I learned a great amount of visual resources in softwares. I learned to combine art with digital art. It was with 32 years old.

And for last phase that I call DossierVert, is the current phase where I find me. Here it making developing still new techniques that mix illustration, design graphical, paintings and a little of engravings. They are my experiments today!

My real preintentions in this site and that I can know new artists and that you can also know me

I´m would very like to receive a many feedback from my works...

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