• Lisa Prentiss
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  • Added 13 Feb 2007
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True Love

Pastel Painting 2006 medium: Prismacolor NUPASTEL I did this pastel to always remind Alan of the intense love he felt the first time he held our newborn daughter in his strong arms! Our little girl really was a miracle. We almost lost her several times during the pregnancy due to past surgeries I had and complications. I spent 6 months on bed rest and If I even coughed it was to the hospital I went! Then to top it off, once I finally got her home she had jaundice and had to stay in a light tank and was only allowed out to nurse. It was so sad! Our eyes were cooked from stareing at her in the little tank for days. This was the moment after the doctor said she was okay and didn't ever have to go back in that dreadful thing again. Alan held her and she fell immediately asleep in his arms. I think it was one of the most beautiful moments I have ever witnessed.

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Lisa Hill 22 Feb 2007

wow, what a beautiful story and so glad you captured it, times like that are so hard (I too had a bad pregnancy with my youngest son, he went on the spend 5-6 weeks in intensive care and had major surgery). I actually felt choked looking at this at the overwhelming energy of love and protection, this in my eyes is what real artwork is all about, Love Lisa x

Artist Reply: Im not sure if I thanked you yet for all of your awesome comments...but if I have, Im going to again, because you have left some of the nicest comments I have recieved!!! I am so glad this piece touched you in such a way...I spent more time on this one than on anything else Ive done...because It chokes me up too! Thank you Lisa!!!

Cindy Lambert 21 Feb 2007

This is just stunning, Lisa! Very touching and beautifully rendered!

Artist Reply: Thank you Cindy! Your artwork is gorgeous , so I appreciate this comment very much coming from you!

Dar Cragg 21 Feb 2007

Wonderful feeling witnessing love like that, isn't it? I remember so well when my son held his son for the first time. Luckily I was there to capture a picture of it. It something I'll never forget.

Artist Reply: Thank you for sharing your special moment with me! I cant even imagine the day when my little girl holds her baby in her arms for the 1st time...making me tear up just thinking of it!

Olga Lavoix 20 Feb 2007

So touching story and so lovely painting!

Renata Cavanaugh 17 Feb 2007

This is touching....and so beautifully done