





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Mystical fantasy artist Missy Payne-St. Clair was born on April 24th, 1972 in St. Louis, Missouri. Today, she makes her home and studio in High Ridge, Missouri with her husband Shane and three children. Though Missy did study fine art in high school graduating with an Honors In Art and Attended a Gifted Honors Art Program through the St. Louis Magnet Schools, she also considers herself largely a self-taught artist. She composes her original works of art mostly with graphite, pen and ink, colored pencils or watercolor but at times also utilizes acrylic for certain effects. She is perhaps most celebrated for her ability to bridge the haunting and often mysterious beauty of goddesses and faeries to realism with a twist of fantasy. Each of her visions brought to life on paper have a personality of their own, and often evoke strong feelings in those who view them. Some of her faeries are elegant, sweet and wistful, while others are defiant, dark and powerful.

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