






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

How humans relate and interact with other humans is the primary focus of my visual artwork; it is an issue that is perhaps the most universal and, simultaneously, the most divisive that we encounter in our daily lives. Lovers, coworkers, neighbors, friends, politicians - we all must coexist and live together. The result of this is what we tend to call "drama" in the human sense - the volatile and seemingly predictable ways that we fail to respect ourselves and each other. How we fail to listen and to observe. How we miss "it." The imagery also hints at the subtle, potential beauty and peace that is completely within our grasp, were we simply willing to respect and listen to ourselves and to each other.

Personal accountability is also a strong theme, as represented by the small humanoid-figure with its arms open; no matter what our environment or who does what to us, we can choose how we respond and react. I view my work as a metaphorical mirror for our contemporary culture & or perhaps the lack of a culture. We can do better. We can try harder. We can slow down and listen, and the amount of tangible, positive change, in the grandest of scales, that surely would subsequently follow is indeed possible. Right now.

Please contact me for discussions on commissioning artwork, buying original work or prints, or for any other questions or comments :

[email protected]

Artist Highlights