






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I have always loved art, even as a child. My mother encouraged me and always made sure that I had paper, pencils and crayons. When I was 7 I was in Brownies and I asked my mom if I could take some oil painting lessons from my Aunt Martha. She said yes, but I had to do one or the other and I chose painting. I do believe it was a good choice. I painted about 7 paintings between the ages of 7 and 8. I didn't paint again until I was an adult, I think it was because I really didn't like oils that much. I then discovered watercolors and acrylics.

I took a college English course and met a very inspiring professor. She asked to see my portfolio at the end of the semester. She bought my first painting. A few years later she asked me to paint a mural in the elevator in her home and a sky on a bathroom ceiling. This is what started me off thinking that I could really make a go of painting.

I have never taken a college course in art, not that I wouldn't mind doing that one day. Sometimes I don't know what catagory a painting might go in, or couldn't really discribe a technique used! It's just terrible. I just do what I do to get the effect I want!

I also dabble in some computer graphics. If you would like to check out more of my work, please visit my website!

From the bottom of my heart- Thank you for visiting!


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