• Jennifer Wunderlin
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  • Added 05 Aug 2010
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All the images in this folder are part of a project that I had stewing in my brain for about a year now. I uploaded them in order but artwanted saw fit to put them in random order but they are titled by page number. I play the piano and I really enjoyed playing "River Flows in You" by Yiruma. I started to imagine a story that would go along with the music and then I decided to put that story into picture form. It's a story of an ordinary high school girl returning to school after a long and kinda boring summer break. She is asked to write a two page paper on her boring summer. So instead of working, she daydreams. After a knock on the door, a cute boy enters and asks her to come with him for a day of adventure, faeries, and sunsets. Unfortunately all daydreams must end but then she hears a knock on the door. Who might it be? I used countless references and tutorials for their clothing, hair, and the creatures. But the story was completely made up by yours truly. I turned this into a video with a recording of my playing which is why the title says art and music by me. Enjoy!

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