




Artist Bio

Self Portrait

A graduate of Cal State Long Beach program in Metal Art, I have focused my works in metal on very sculptural and ocasionally wearble pieces. I draw inspirations from the sea, serenity and simplicity. Using a tremendous amount of effort into the thought and my technical abilities in the piece, what took so much fury and energy into, the result is rather calm , surreal and subtle, very unlike the process to achieve the work. I focus my direction in not what the piece will be but how I will get it there. I use very innovative and new ideas and processes, pushing the limits of the average bowl, necklace, etc to make it something much greater than average. I use the layering of thoughts and processes in order to create my work. So although it is simple and subtle, I believe it also carries a certain greatness because of how the work has evolved from a once flat sheet of metal, liquid resin, ink, paper, dye, fiberglass cloth etc., into a work of art that hold space and meaning.

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