• Carliss Mora
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  • Added 25 Aug 2008
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This is a conversation I overheard when one of our feral cats (my son and mine) came home after a whole week. Socks didn't like her older brother's girlfriend. He got her pregnant with one kitten, then brought her home to live, but Socks can't stand her. Theo, the brother could care less. He goes and comes as he pleases. They've all been given their shots, and spayed, but Theo is still in tact. Socks has a sense of freedom now, so she doesn't want new babies running around with their mothers, having to share food. Everyone, including her sisters were afraid something had happened to her, but today she came home. Yes, the one cat, Blanche, is white with a brown patch on its back, a brown tail and has one yellow with red eye, and one blue eye. I know it's dumb, but we're glad she came home. Oh, and she was gone 11 days.

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Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 29 Sep 2008

WHAT A GORGEOUS WORK and great story!!

Armando Salas 05 Sep 2008

Wonderful news: Carliss the cartoonist! :-)

Artist Reply: Thank you Armando, and isn't this so pathetic? I'll try harder, as always. :))

Van Cordle 03 Sep 2008

Wow what a great story : ) I had a cat that was gone 3 months, then came home when I was a kid.

Andrew Dragh 27 Aug 2008

Cats are something else!

Joanna Jungjohann 27 Aug 2008

fantastic story and art-piece Carliss.............why the lil slut-cat lololol yeah my mama cats, of which there are now only two, due to the nosey complaining neighbor lady, do just about the same thing. only when they get back their pregnancy is half over pft go figure. I have both of them cordoned off from the outside world until they deliver and feed for 4 weeks, then it's goodbye tramp days for them.

Artist Reply: LOL!!!! I'm super late with a response, so I want to thank you. That is so funny. The loose hussies! All of the cats (there were 26) are gone now. The first one that adopted my son in 2007 just left ( I think to pass away) two months ago. He hung on to our house as home for nearly 14 years!