• Peter Skov
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  • Added 27 Jan 2007
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Moeraki Sunrise

Every photographer knows that the more time you spend getting to know your subject the better you can represent it in your work. In my case I often have very little time to capture a meaningful image of the places I visit. I am usually only there for a few hours or even less. I visited the Moeraki Boulders in Otago, New Zealand in the late afternoon of December 31, 2002. I had only two hours to shoot all my "first impression" photos. I returned before sunrise the next morning and began observing the rocks in the colourful yet dim light of predawn. When the sun finally broke over the horizon, I realized I was not longer shooting the rocks but shooting the light. Of all the photos I made at Moeraki Beach, only three or four really captured my impression of the place.

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

sheila stanley-powell 07 Feb 2008

like molton gold flowing through the refiners (?- dang, i forgot what they use, but you get the gist i hope)

Lawrence Hickman 29 Jan 2007

intresting and awsome job very outstanding

Jerry 28 Jan 2007

Fantastic balance!

Anonymous Guest 27 Jan 2007

Yo. 'Tis Lisa again. I thought of something i wanted to add but I'd already commented and it doesn't let you comment twice. So i'm commented annoymously to dodge that rule. Ha. Take that Artwanted. :P ANYway, I wanted to say that I feel many people would have cropped the image closer to the bottoms of the rocks but I'm glad you didn't. :D

Artist Reply: You know, Lisa, I was working with this composition a lot. I shot one horizontal from the left, one horizontal a little more to the right and this one. I remember moving back and forth, trying to avoid making marks in the sand with my tripod, while searching for exactly the composition that I felt was there. Had I cropped the picture closer to the rocks at the bottom there wouldn't have been enough room for the light to stream through. It's like the sunrise is coming through a gateway. It needs that space.

Reba McDonald 27 Jan 2007

Beautiful shot Peter.