





Artist Bio

I'm doin what I love and am good at, making a good living. On the side I do this for a hobby till my body breaks down and I have to retire behind a desk job. In which case I hope this to be a learning experience for me. I'm going to try to sell some peices and focus more on my graphical skills. My art work is symbolic and I try to convey metaphorical messages of deeper understandings.. mainly the basic Love, Life and Sin. Things we all can relate to no matter where you are from. At first I will upload some of my sketches and then after some public criticism I will use the sketches as a reference for some poster work I plan on selling.

I like the rain even when I have to work in it. I like getting muddy. I can pick up things off the kitchen floor because I have monkey feet. I Like the color yellow in a tie. Blue in a shirt. Because of my lack of style I've been encouraged by my peers ridicule to stay in jeans and a simple shirt. Please don't use my images in anything with out telling me. thankyou.

Artist Highlights