





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

I am an artist and I love to diversify, that's why I work with large range of products/media. I am versatile and it is common to hear comments about my work such as "you have so many styles". In my own way, yes, I have many styles. I try to "read" the moment and I translate it to my work. Besides that I have a passion for portraits and I am open to comissioned works. That said, please follow me: Have a look, check on my work, give it a thought and then follow your impulse and go for it! I will love to show you more art if you feel like knowing my art better!

I'd like to suggest you to go to two other pages of amazing artists, my friends Gregory Gallo on his website and the wonderful sensitive artist, Marilyn Servais (Nefera), who excells in portraying people and their souls.

Artist Highlights