





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

- suppose I've always done art-sorta stuff ever since when; carried on fairly half-heartedly through school without much of a clue what I was going to be doing at the end of it all, I was actually better at languages and literature than anything else, though the former gave way to my artistic leanings later on and I went more towards art-related qualifications - purely pre-computer stuff though, which I'm currently continuing to promise myself to start doing something about, whenever spare time happens to come along and present itself in any great amount.

Studied product design and 'general' art, ending up in modelmaking career-wise and producing these critters simply as a pastime kind of a thing.

I'm self-taught in sculpture rather than having had any form of learning or training at it, excepting having always had a great admiration and fascination for the medium of three-dimensional form...

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