• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 15 May 2007
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The other day I ask the question " Is there a respect for ART & Artists"......As I promise....... After reading some of your opinions my friends...I can say that I can take ALL Comments and make it into the subject of world respect of artists for artists.Perhaps the answer is found in All comments together to show different sides of Respect to ART & Artists from different people,artists.Perhaps this is the BEAUTY Of comments in AW..You get all points of view to a whole review.Some can see more...others less..I guess...together is the ANSWER. Well..I'll tell you what I think and also answer few of the comments I read ,while posting first this question.Respect can be a very serious talk from all directions. Respect come from your inside.It is you as a person ,or as an artist that first of all must respect and believe in yourself in your work ,in your ART...You must believe in what you do,since it must be suitable for you first to live with...With the knowing that not always this can be done and sometimes there are professional or financial considerations ,or compromises. Personally ,I REALLY try to be True to my own artistic needs. I can tell about artists in Israel...but I think its in some ways similar to other parts of the world...perhaps not everywhere... Here some people will respect art and artists highly...others,will think an art is not profession ,but maybe an hobby...and I think this is not only in Israel. Some people will admire,love my art..these people are close people like some members of my family,friends...but also MANY others,visitors of my ART...Usually people are very impressed with my ART.- That does not mean that ALL Those that are so impressed always ,also respect the fact that this is my choice of life.There are ALL Kinds of people here in Israel,but ALL Around the world as well...and the difference between people's ability to respect is different. Many people will ask about if it makes money enough,which to my own point of view its a private and not respectable question ...I mean I don't think any artist should give anyone a report,if his/her business as artist bring money enough to live from.And this is a question that,I was asked by A LOT of people,does not even know me...OK..Those who might ask...are VERY IMPRESSED By the ART,Itself...but then,they must know how much money it will bring me at the end of the month.I don't think anyone should come inside my pockets...Definitely no one,who is stranger to me...Then there are those who think ART,Is the most EASY Profession "You can do what you want,when you want to do it..."..and I'll ask IS IT REALLY...?... ...Those who will say such things...probably never really try to do ART...Because to me,its not EASY...Its my choice of life...I enjoy doing it,I usually have satisfaction from what I do...but it's not easy from several reasons.... There are times in my life,in which I work 7 days a week...many hours...ok..not always...some of my works goes easily,but many of them..I really work HARD,At least me...Those who think art is easy...simply don't appreciate the amount of work and thinking in some of my works.I think ART,Is taking a lot of inside energy,more then other professions. Some people really has RESPECT And appreciation to ART And artists,thats for sure,I'm blessed to know some of them,some REALLY Support everything that I do...admire and LOVE My art..and its more then important to any artist. And..this is only part of the issue. Israel try in some ways to help artists...not enough,because Israel is really a poor country,so the budget will go usually to security or other important issues . In my home town,the cultural department try to make at least once a year a great event for artists...and they really think of more possibilities of what to do in future. If we look at AW...We can see this also here...some artists will respect more and others less.I think this is the place to show respect to ART,In all levels,all medias.I try my best to respect other artists. The most important...RESPECT YOURSELF !!! Try to build yourself,your name.. BELIEVE In what you do ALWAYS..Then things will happen for you..for your development as a person and artist...and the respect is yours. Earn your respect from your work and your own appreciation of yourself,your development as an artist. RESPECT OTHERS AS WELL...!!...Expect YOURSELF to respect others,the same as YOU yourself expect OTHERS to respect you...!! Thanks for reading, Wishing you all to be respectable always,NIRA.

5 of 24 Comments Show All 24 Comments

Anonymous Guest

M Smith 25 Jun 2011


Steven Torrisi 20 May 2007

I think the floral shot suggests what you said about respect which I wholeheartedly agree with. Different forms of the same piece life respect what the other parts do in order for the whole to survive but no one part wants the other to determine or define its course in life.

Penny Myers 18 May 2007

The life and veins of life. Wonderfully done.

Lucia Stewart 17 May 2007

Fantastic and awesome piece Nira!!!!!!


Carrie Ann Watson 17 May 2007

Wonderful words, Nira! I agree with you! But the income issue really shouldn't be. You need to love what you do. This is what draws us into art as a profession in the first place, isn't it? Otherwise we'd have a day job at the corner market. I realize there are people who will love the art I do, and there will be people who don't. People who will respect the fact that I'm an artist and others who don't. But I really don't care what any of them believe. It is my profession, for me! I am happy with what I'm doing and that is all that matters to me!!! This is a beautiful photo Nira! And I, for one, believe your art is magnificent! :)

Artist Reply: Well..Carrie,this is the right spirit..yes..it is true what you're saying here. And...don't worry about me personally...because I believe in myself since so many years...Actually I always believed in myself...since I was a student...and I got during my life so much LOVING ADMIRING Feedbacks...to support what I do,which really gave me the confidence to do all what I wish to do...But here I talked about several issues that to my opinion most artists can identify with ...You know its quite funny..I was not here during this evening and while I was away,one Art teacher of mine telephoned me..this person , was the one to teach us back then in 1984 to believe in ourselves ,to believe that ALL We wish to do we can....and prove that to us...perhaps not ALL took that lesson of life,but I can say to you..that I truly believe this way.Thanks for your thoughts and comments,wishing you a magnificent day,NIRA