





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Name's Kitler Ronquillo. I also go by Jordan Alexander . . . but I prefer Kitler. I've been drawing for about 18 years as of this writing and enjoy experimenting in the studio. My goal is really to work as an conceptual or storyboard artist for videogame company, like most people my age, but I just want to do illustration and design in general as a career.

I'm mostly a traditional artist with some computer use but right now I'm attending college to gain additional skills in digital art with programs like Photoshop.

I tend to stick with an urban fantasy genre in my art, but I enjoy producing works of the macabre and cartoon/animation styled pictures as well. I have no problem adapting to other styles of work and I rather enjoy trying new things.

My forte is figure drawing; the human anatomy is an marvel to me so I draw figures rather often. Don't get me wrong though; I can draw a background. ;)

Tools of the trade are Col-erase pencils, Staedtler and Faber Castell pens, Prismacolor pencils, Paintshop Pro and Open Canvas.

Artist Highlights