• Renata Cavanaugh
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  • Image 163 of 288
  • Added 02 Apr 2009
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J90- holds a great significance to me. It stands for Jassy, my daughter born in 1990 and for Joe, my husband who died few months later that same year.

This painting is of one of the last moments they were together.They both will always hold a special place in my heart....I just wish Jassy knew how much he has loved her.

I have painted it for Jassy's 19th birthday. ( I still can't believe it has been that long) Bellow is Jassy with her painting.

Do you who have someone you love....tell them, and love and enjoy each moment you have together. You never know if tomorrow never comes.

Thank you for looking.

5 of 57 Comments Show All 57 Comments

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John Cappello 09 May 2016

Breathtaking Radiant! Inspires and Fragranct!

Elizabeth Janus 12 Jun 2012

What a story...and the picture says it all...love it

Rebecca Mullan 02 Jul 2011

Renata this is incredibly touching -thank you for sharing the reason this was done. It is a wonderful tribute to Joe and Jassy and his love for her, as well as yours. Blessings xxxx

Homayra Amirzada 19 Dec 2009

always it hurts to hear that someone that you loved died... but the work u have done is both touching and great feeling that you put into this work. shows your such a patient and wonderful person

tim linville 13 Dec 2009

This chapter of Your Life,has always made Me Remember the value of Time.How it's value is not in selling One's Time,nor even to attempt to Buy Time...But rether,to find what the Heart wants with Love...and GIVE Time.Jassy is so Beautiful,now.seems just yesterday,She was a wee Lass,with the same smile,that still flows up to Her eyes :)