





Artist Bio

Guglielmo Gusella was born in 1952 in Bassano del Grappa, in North Italy 60 km far from Venice. An innate passion for art to painting, drawing and carving came when he was very young. A spontaneous attraction and a strong instinct towards the “handling game” of clay lead him to prefer the metamorphic world of forms during their becoming: the sculpture. The versatility and the variety of experiences in several artistic workshops in Bassano, to give up completely to the manufacturing of different materials and the technical scrupulous observations of melting pot styling worked together to encourage the artist to mark a turning point in his life in 1977: the opening of a studio. During the years of professional and artistic growth Gusella change from a traditional figurative approach of solid realism and of an absolute objectivity to a new language conditioned from a continue and an insatiable search of an expressive, authentic and original personal freedom. His artistic versatility marked clearly from the peculiarity of his works, the recognition and the estimation of artists, masters and art critics inspire him to assume a representative position of a contemporary art both on a national and a worldwide scale. The TV apparitions and the interviews on Italian and European networks, the favourable considerations of local and regional papers, the qualified Italian and foreign magazines, the numberless presences in several showrooms offer to the artist an increase of notoriety and considerations.

1972 Brà : 3" Concorso scultura nazionale medaglia d'oro

1977 Bologna:Rassegna Nazionale Scultura premio città di Bologna

1979 Caorle: Rassegna Nazionale Arte e Lavoro attestato di merito

1981 Vicenza: Premio Lcon D'oro Eraclea: Premio Nazionale M.A.Pasti

1983 Salsomaggiore: Palazzo dei congressi medaglia selezione opera unica

1984 Liegi: Movimento Arte e Cultura Vervieres:Istituto Italiano di Cultura Namur: HR La Pichelotte Anversa: Galleria Paolo Crucitti Anversa: Movimento Arte e Cultura Van Luik Cassola: Bienna1e Nazionale Premio CassoIa

1985 Vicenza: Teatro Olimpico Castelfranco: Galleria Giorgine Rosà: Villa Diedo Favaretti- La qualità e l'ingegno Bassano: palazzo Bonaguro

1986 Barcellona:Collezione Borboni

1981 Bassano: palazzo Bonaguro Premio Bonato Parigi: Collezione Clemoe Lione: galleria Clemoe Boston: Sevinor Gallery

1988 Piove di Sacco: Centro D'arte e Cultura

1990 Venezia:Palazzo Vendramini

1991 Cantu':Sotto Il Sole Dell'arte Verona:Euro Art Expo

1994 Monza:Galleria D'arte Zeusi 1995 Boca Raton FL: Art Gallery Hall of Frames USA : Presentazione internazionale via internet Germania: Collaborazione W.Goebel Porzellanfabrik

1998-2003 Bassano: Direzione tecnica Tekèr

2002 Padova: Artexpo

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