





Artist Bio

I am a legally blind impressionist artist, in watercolors. I became blind 2005, started painting at Braille Institute La Jolla Ca. in 2010. As a child I had only done ceramics, but that was 49+ yearsago, I had no interest in attempting to paint, but had always loved looking at others works in stores and wished I could do that,,,,so here I am totally blind in one eye and very blurry vision in the other,. I have the 4 conditions to become blind, diabetes isn't helping . I am like a woman possessed, I dream about painting I think it 24 hours a day,,its my life,,,poor boyfriend knows he is in 2nd place,,,So I encourage you to watch my progress I am posting my paintings so look up Anna Lewis on Google (there ar many of us), but click images and alot of my paintings will come upeither from red bubble or fine art America or I draw and paint community,,,have fun and have a wonderful day. I appreciate your comments so leave messages,,again thanks

Anna (Lee) Lewis California, USA

Main URL site:

email: [email protected]

Artist Highlights