





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

--Updates: Happy 2005! I resolve... to improve my art and to update my portfolio more often, and to finally finish my comic. :)

--Bio Info-- I'm one of those who never had formal training, but learnt to draw from reading way too many comic books, and learnt Photoshop through a friend, to whom I'm eternally grateful for. I also learnt Dreamweaver 4 by myself, and the help of a bunch of library books.

And er, because of this, my current website listed is a total amateurish affair. Too much time spent on the art rather than on the HTML. :p Sorry about that, but I promise big time to improve as I go along. ( If you start at the bottom, there's only one way to go anyway )

I have to admit, this is not yet a full-time job for me. I have another job to help keep the bread on the table, so I might not appear as dedicated/professional/skilled as other artists on this site. I beg thy time and patience in this. I would like to make this full-time but my current economic situation doesn't allow it.

But......... If you really wanna support my art ( Please say you do! ) Click on the below link to see some stuff at Cafepress I have for sale:

Thanks a lot for having the patience to read all the way here!

Artist Highlights