Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Lori Waits,Miro Gradinscak,Loren D Adams

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
10 July, 2020
  • Staff

THEME: Logo Design Contest

DESCRIPTION: The topic for this contest is LOGO DESIGN. This contest is geared toward all graphic designers on ArtWanted. We want you to submit a custom logo for any product, service or company you have designed in the past. You can submit the logo by itself, or the final image composition with the logo on the final package or marketing piece.


PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Only the logo design artwork can be submitted for this contest, no photographs or other mediums please.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


18 Contest Entries

Lori Waits 10 Jul 2020

Hometown Properties: Was located in Newport Tennessee. I was a sign shop owner in 2008. This is the logo I designed for them. It was used on all their signage and all of their marketing materials. Its one of my favorites, maybe because I had so much fun with this company and did so much work for them. Everywhere I looked I would see their logo. Needless to say the owner was my mentor and was the main reason I went into business for myself back then.

Miro Gradinscak 10 Jul 2020

Label for the brand Di Caprio

Loren D Adams 10 Jul 2020

My Logo is a bio-gram made from the initials UPLDA with a paintbrush and tenor clef symbol… designed in 1982 and has been used on all promotional material and was made into 3 different 3-D signs, one 36" in diameter for our building- it is also hand painted on every original artwork and limited edition print made since 1983

Kathy Kelly 13 Jul 2020

Karina Ishkhanova 30 Jul 2020

This is the Logo I designed for the series of science-fiction books for kids. The first book "Cloud Named Chloe and Her Cat Louey" is published as an e-book companion for the upcoming Audio book (August this year) and the paperback is underway.

The book main theme is biology, Nature, DNA codes and genes. The logo combines two main characters of the series (Cloud and Cat) with the curiously looking plant, which, from the distance, looks like wings (another center piece of the book). The Logo has plenty of white space so kids can color it as they like. The leaves-wings are of silver tone to emphasize imaginative nature of the book adventures.

Aleksandr Klyuyanov 10 Jul 2020

Coat Of Arms Of Ukrainian City Of Dneprorudny

Sharon LeAnne Miller 10 Jul 2020

My Original concept of a new LOOK of the Blue Bunny Ice Cream mascot logo pictured here WITH a yummy tub of the Blue bunny brand of Ice cream . my original technique illustration done in colored pencils and comic style pen and inked. Also included in the image is the quote saying that "It's Okay to Comfort your INNER Bunny," as Ice cream is the more popularly thought of "comfort" foods.

Xiao zhuhua 27 Jul 2020

Logo design description of Hunan Hengnan Guanshi Middle School,China First, the artistic conception produced by the fusion of traditional cultural elements and chinese cultural background is consistent with the theme and idea. 1,Crown: "when gentleman is grown-up ,a Crown ceremony must be hold to encourage his heart."In Chinese ancient times, when a man was twenty years old, he was considered to be immidiately a grown-up, and is wished to become healthy and mature, in line with the concept of Chinese school education and encouragement of ambition. 2. Soaring Phoenix ususally means “youth, vitality, diligence and great aspiration” , in line with the growth concept of "study hard and make progress every day". 3. The phoenix with the crown: Ordinary people became outstanding talents with ability, strength and status through hard study. "The Golden Phoenix flew out of the mountain nest", "t Phoenix lives on the branches of the old Wutong tree " and Pang Tong in The Three Kingdoms period were called "the Phoenix beyont ordinary people ", the crown on his head was a symbol of honor, auspice and nobility.It is in line with the Chinese traditional culture and the school's aim of cultivating students' iew of life , concept of values, concept of right and wrong and aethestic standard. Second, the image is simple, vivid, unique, unforgettable, easy to identify. Third, the balanced and symmetric design contains differentiation in unification, motion in quiescence , appropriate.dynamic and harmonious static Four, the letter G is designed as the soaring phoenix body, and the letter S is designed as the long phoenix crown which extends out into wings. The organic combination of the letters is perfect in interpretation, without any far-fetched feeling and patchwork trace.

Claire Sallenger Martin 12 Jul 2020


don quackenbush 10 Jul 2020

don quackenbush artforms logo design

Laurel DeLong 10 Jul 2020

God Owns This Company was inspired in 2006 by no other than God! I was led to design this G.O.T.C.H.A Logo and card for the company. The G obviously stands for God. Complete G.O.T.C.H.A. logo is God Owns This Company's Heaven-bound Army as you can see below the G. We have a website and are on Facebook. The back of the card is also finished but the logo is only on the front.

Mitzi Delpho 19 Jul 2020

My new logo I designed for my art business. All hand drawn.

Andrew Wahrmund 23 Jul 2020

Back in the day when computer art was still "new" & enabled combining text with art easily, I submitted this logo to the designer I worked with. The basic rule was "keep it simple" because a picture is worth a thousand words.

Kim Souza Carson 18 Jul 2020

This was a logo design I did for Barkway Pet Resort some years back.

R.R. Cabarga 10 Jul 2020

Logo design has been my specialty for years and I've designed hundreds of logos for all kinds of businesses large and small. This is one of my favorites.

Norm Tchorz 10 Jul 2020

Ray Steele 14 Jul 2020

Here my entry for this contest McCafe coffee stilllife

Irene Cosmadelis 21 Jul 2020

Here is my logo for my Yoga Instruction, it was in an add 10 years or so ago,
