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20 April, 2024
  • Timothy Simpson
  • 20 Apr 2024

Original Post: Perpetual Calendars

I have had this idea for some time & have even pulled it off on my own. So often art books & various other coffee table books get buried by various other piles of miscellanea... mail; magazines; etc. So since i had a lot of work & wished for it to be on display often, i realized a Desktop Easel Calendar would be perfect. Now i have seen these with beautiful quotes or quick laffs [Joke of the day etc] But for us artist, i think it would be fabulous. Whether a workspace or store counter, it could be in full view & noticeable. [And the calendar part gives folks the reason to change the page.] So whether for the artists of Art Wanted or for personal reasons, if Art Wanted offered a template similar to making the book... i think this would be a phenomenal & popular project. I certainly would want one whether it included the other artists work or again for my art. T.