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04 June, 2024
  • Joanie Holliday

Latest Comment...

Something different would be individual hand crafted, such as, sculpture, clay models, woodwork sculpture, crocheting, knitting. Something made with your own hands.. Just a thought.

06 September, 2016
  • Staff
  • 06 Sep 2016

Original Post: Give us your Art Contest Ideas

For the last two months, we have been posting weekly art contests for our members to participate in. Each contest has a specific theme, so every contest is unique. We have a bunch of ideas for future contest themes, but we also want to hear from you!

Please reply to this post with your ideas for future art contest themes. We will be checking this message thread on a regular basis, so you can always return to this message and post any idea you have for an art contest.

We look forward to hearing your ideas!