29 May, 2003
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

Message Boards Go Live!

We were so excited about the message boards that we have launched them earlier than we expected to the general public.

We will be putting links throughout the ArtWanted.com website and advertising the www.ArtWanted.com/mb URL in as many places as we can.

The message board's success will depend on all of our users, so we hope that you will take the time to read and post new topics in this new art community.

We have completed all of the functions that we have planned to build on this initial launch, but more are coming next month.

If you are an ArtWanted.com member, we have created a 64x64 icon that will show up next to your postings. This was taken from one of your portfolio images, but you can update it at any time in the MEMBER PREFERENCES area.

Please let us know if you encounter any errors or have any suggestions for our boards, we want to make them a big success. Thanks.


1 Comment

Thu Nguyen 11 Jun 2003

Hello everyone, I recently have a new website of my paintings. When you have a chance, you are invited to visit my online porfolio at: http://www.thunguyenpaintings.com Thanks Thu
