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23 October, 2023
  • Steven Graff
  • 23 Oct 2023

Original Post: New Painting: "The Woods"

When I was about nine my Uncle surprised the family by telling us that he had purchased a 'Summer' home in the upstate New York Adirondack region. Being from the suburbs of Long Island visiting this home for the first time was my introduction to the 'country'. One of my Uncle's favorite things to do at his new country house was take walks (hikes) through the woods, and one of my favorite things to do was to tag along. It was on these walks that my Uncle would carry his hand gun for protection should there be an encounter with a wild animal and I was allowed to carry a large knife - though I usually opted for a big stick. I entitled this latest painting "The Woods" to commemorate those often long hikes through the woods of his forty-two acre, undeveloped property...aside from the hundred-year-old house of course.