• Charles Jones
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  • Image 1365 of 2062
  • Added 09 Aug 2019
  • 1 Comment
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It's true. Birds ARE always singing. They are singing when we are born, when we experience pain and heartache and the regret of lost love. And they are singing mightily at the moment of our death. One constant in the world. As long as there's a planet earth with men, the birds will continue their song. These are more of my 3 by 5.75 inches drawings. When I put these two side by side, I immediately saw the relationship each had with the other. So for the sake of birdsong, let's call this Original Jones Art as it wells up in that true pedestrian nightmare, Austin, Texas.

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Nikolay Semyonov 28 Aug 2019

They even keep singing when you are completely deaf... love this one!

Artist Reply: Thanks, Nikolay! You know, I haven't drawn, painted or sculpted anything today. I have played quite a bit on several of my cornets. Music is another of my indulgences. I'm trying to get good enough to play taps at my own funeral; I love a good challenge. :)