21 February, 2023
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Page Numbers now on Portfolio Galleries

Based on member feedback and the desire to always improve our website experience, we have updated the way you navigate pages on member portfolio galleries. We have removed the “LOAD MORE” button at the bottom of the page and replaced it with easy-to-navigate page numbers.

This minor visual change has several major advantages:

1. If a user clicks to view a larger image from the thumbnail gallery and then hits the browser back button, they will now stay on the correct page and not be taken all the way back to the first page.
2. You can now share links to specific pages of your portfolio to view a specific image or group of images.
3. Portfolio pages load faster because less information has to load up front.
4. It's easier to see more artwork and view deeper into larger portfolios.
5. This change also fixed a bug that would sometimes not load all portfolio images.

Each portfolio gallery page contains 50 images, so if your gallery page has fewer than 50 images, the page number section will be hidden.

We hope this change is a welcome improvement for our members and know it will give our users a better experience surfing ArtWanted.



Mark Peterson 21 Feb 2023

Thumbs up! Excellent! been waiting a long time for this change and it works great! Now I can view a lot more work from an artist without the frustration. Thanks for the improvement ArtWanted, Much Appreciated!

Nicole Fekaris 21 Feb 2023

Wonderful and thank you!

Kimberly Tilley 21 Feb 2023

Thank you!

Vicki Pelham 22 Feb 2023

EXCELLENT!!!!! Wonderful, this is so very good and will be appreciated by all artists and visitors, i am quite sure! Thank you!!!

Ben Vienerius 23 Feb 2023

Very nice way to present

Rick Corbett 23 Feb 2023

Thank you to the ArtWanted team, this is a great feature. ArtWanted continues to be the best art community. Thank you for all that you do!!!

ArtWanted.com Staff 24 Feb 2023

Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone. We're glad that this change was so welcomed.

Joanie Holliday 24 Feb 2023


Cassandra Gordon-Harris 28 Feb 2023

Thank you so much, this is wonderful!
