Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Amanda Martin,Hira Fatima,mat lloyd

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
30 May, 2020
  • Staff

THEME: Colored Pencil Medium

DESCRIPTION: The topic for this contest is COLORED PENCIL MEDIUM. This contest is about the medium you use to create, not really the subject material. Submit your own colored pencil drawing of any subject material that interests you. Your images should be colorful, so no traditional lead pencil (black & white) for this contest. The artwork submitted must be done using colored pencils.

ENTRY DEADLINE: 21-June-2020
VOTING STARTS: 28-June-2020

PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Only colored pencil artwork can be submitted for this contest, no photographs or other mediums please.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


31 Contest Entries

Amanda Martin 31 May 2020

I would like to enter this coloured pencil competition. Thanks

Hira Fatima 19 Jun 2020

entry for the contest

mat lloyd 02 Jun 2020

This horse was drawn using Fabre Castell polychromos. I hope you like it

Margie Gilligan 06 Jun 2020

Prisma colored pencils. 4 inch x 4 inch drawing.

Cybele Chaves 08 Jun 2020

The Siberian Farfor

Rita Niblock 30 May 2020


Jose De la Barra 13 Jun 2020

Contest: Drawing pencil color.

Title: "Entrehojas", pencil color on paper 200 grams. Size: 40cm. x 30cm. Date: 2019 Regards

sylvie swanson 31 May 2020

Mad Hatter AKA Johnny Depp with Cheshire cat and Alice. Colored pencils on sketch paper

Jaime Kafati 30 May 2020

This is a recent work, completed in May 2020. A portrait of my dear cousin Jorge Nasser Batarse. I experimented with Prismacolor color pencils, a gift from my daughter. The portrait is a layered composition of multiple colors to achieve the desired effect. In the end, I experimented blending the background with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol for a smoother finish. I will leave you with a warning, although the effect is fun to produce, it should be the last step in your work. The alcohol takes away the tooth of the paper and makes it nearly impossible to add further color.

My cousin was so pleased with the finished piece that he used the portrait as his Facebook profile picture; later on, I did a similar composition in watercolors for his father, and he did the same. Like most of my works, they are gifted to friends and family for the kindness and support.

Anthony Wickens 01 Jun 2020

This is my tribute to Amy Winehouse I done a few years ago, A4 in size on cartridge paper using a mix of Prismacolor and FB Polychromos.

Loren D Adams 30 May 2020

C@2019 "The Artist's Life" ~ 6"x 8" ( 152 mm x 203 mm ) Prisma colored pencil, a double page Cartoon/study Pg. 68-69 miniature studies from my 2019 Doodle journal

Anton Nichols 30 May 2020

The subject matter for this drawing comes from polymer figurines I created years ago of wizards and dragons.

Elena Sokolova 30 May 2020


Angella Reynolds-Screen 30 May 2020

Colored pencil contest

Deepthi K J 30 May 2020

Drop your negative thoughts .LIFE WILL BECOME BEAUTIFUL

Anu Radha 31 May 2020

Pear in color pencils

DULCIE DEE 30 May 2020

Comanche Point, Grand Canyon Color pencil 8"x10" black paper, 2020

Erik Scott 30 May 2020


cervantes wu 15 Jun 2020

The motorcycle, the dog and the wall are all true, only the rider on the wall was painted by me

Dale Newman 03 Jun 2020

This was a Norman Rockwell photo, I drew it in color pencil from the photo

More contest entries on the next page...