15 May, 2003
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Can I put my artwork on PrintsWanted.com?

We have been asked a lot by our ArtWanted.com members if they can post their prints/artwork for sale on PrintsWanted.com

Unfortunately PrintsWanted.com only works directly with publishers. This is done because of the standard shipping & fulfillment policies that need to be in place to make the company run smoothly.

The reason we created ArtWanted.com, was so the artists can post and sell their artwork directly to the public and didn't need a publisher. If you are an artist, all your artwork can be posted for sale on ArtWanted.com and this is the best place to be.

If you have a publisher and wish you have your artwork appear on PrintsWanted.com, please contact us at [email protected] with all of your details. Thanks.
