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29 November, 2023
  • stephie desousa

Latest Comment...

Hey there can This is terrible I have progressive MS I’m 54 in a Carehome. I’m so embarrassed I have lesions in my brain I can’t remember one second from the other she’s awful. Please forgive me I don’t wanna lose where you are who you are my name is Stephanie and I have progressive mess I used to do art. My thing was acting and seeing but art is just a thing I like to do because it expresses my feelings. I would love to be a friend of yours because you’re new and I just joined I think of my eighth day today. I’m using auto speak. I’m learning digital and how to cry I can’t really do things quite Philly with my hand with my car. Is it difficult but I’m learning and I’m not giving up anyways I would love to look at your art I’m gonna go try OK well I have way to send something OK thank you , Stephanie

02 August, 2023
  • Laura El-Baroudi
  • 02 Aug 2023

Original Post: Hello!

Hello. My name is Laura and I just joined art wanted about a week ago. I am a fairly new artist and was hoping to have feedback and interaction with other artists. I am a supply teacher for adult ESL for newcomers to Canada. I have taken one course for 3 months, but I am mainly self-taught and work on instinct. I started painting a few years ago, but I did not really work on painting much until I developedit a passion or you might even say an obsession for it since the spring of 2023.

I would like to have other artists friends!I hope to make contact and learn from others.