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19 December, 2023
  • Dale Newman

Latest Comment...

Well Done

05 December, 2023
  • Staff
  • 05 Dec 2023

Original Post: New Portfolio Comment Settings

We have just added a new section of settings to everyone’s PORTFOLIO SETTINGS page. This new section of settings is titled PORTFOLIO COMMENTS.

Getting feedback from other people about your artwork is a core feature of ArtWanted. Most artists love getting a complement about their artwork and can usually appreciate a little constructive criticism as well.

We have added some new settings to allow you to decide WHO can comment on your artwork or to turn off all comments entirely. The four new settings are:

1- Allow ANYONE to comment, including anonymous visitors.
2- Only allow ArtWanted MEMBERS to comment.
3- Only allow ArtWanted ARTISTS with portfolios to comment.
4- DISABLE all comments and hide them from my images.

Now you can control who can leave comments and feedback on your artwork and this setting can be changed at any time. We also have a setting to determine if you want to be sent an email with each comment or not. View your settings on this page.

We have also made another change that has been requested by many of our members. Artists can now comment on their own artwork, which was previously not allowed.

We really appreciate those members that take the time to post feedback on other members artwork. We encourage everyone to post a positive comment regularly on the artwork you like and admire on ArtWanted. Thank You!