• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 09 Nov 2007
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MAD JACK'S CITRON CRESTED COCKATOO poem by SLIM ASHBY, AN AUSSIE. paintography and photography by MICHAEL (MIGUEL) FORBUS MAD JACK'S COCKATOO Now Jack was a bloke who could drink "Holy Smoke!" He could swig twenty mugs to my ten, And that old cockatoo it could sink quite a few and it drank with the rest of the men One day when the heat was just plain was hard to beat, Mad Jack and his old cockatoo, Came in from the west to the "Old Swag Man's Rest" And they ordered up schooners for two, When these had gone down he popped out half a crown and they drank till their money was spent, Then he pulled out a note from his old tattered coat And between them they drank every cent, Then that old cockatoo it swore red, black and blue, And it knocked all the mugs off the bar, Then it flew through the air and it pulled at the hair, Of a chap who was drinking "Three Star", And it jerked out the pegs from the barrels and kegs Knocked the bottles all down from the shelf, With a sound like a cheer it dived into the beer and it finished up drowning itself When poor Jack awoke not a word then was spoke, But he cried like a lost husband's wife, And with each falling tear made a flood so severe, That the men had to swim for their life, Now poor jack was drowned and when finally found he was lying there stiffened and blue, It was told far and wide that stretched out by his side Was his pack mate ..... the old cockatoo.

5 of 22 Comments Show All 22 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Jeanie Chadwick 14 Nov 2007

just look at this awesome imagery. What a skillful way of presenting thse birds.

Artist Reply: Jeanie, how kind of you. I had fun with these birds as I love big birds and have had a few. I love Cockatoos, they are so sweet. Sweet as you for those kind comments. My gratitude kind woman. Have a most glorious week. Michael

thea walstra 13 Nov 2007

Cute and very lovely work Michael. A beautiful text too.

Artist Reply: Thea, my sweet friend, thank you so much for your sweet and kind comments. You are such a gracious and great woman. Also a brilliant artist. Remarkable. I thank you so much for your kindness and great remarks. My affection to you and deepest thanks. Michael

Alexandra Dvinitninova 10 Nov 2007

Love forever.

Artist Reply: Thank you for your kind comments. I really appreciate it. You observations are really helpful and kind. Michael

Jan van Baarle 10 Nov 2007

GORGEOUS digital art, Michael!

Artist Reply: Jan, thank you so very much for your kind comments and your gracious remarks. It means so much to me. I really appreciate it. Michael

Nira Dabush 10 Nov 2007

What a loving capture,Michael...the colour use is very delicate and elegant...Goes so beautifully with your words..Magnificent!

Artist Reply: Nira, you are so very kind and generous. My deepest thanks to you and my affection for you and your family. The greatest of blessings to you and all whom you love. I thank you so very much. Michael