• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 24 Oct 2007
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Yellow Cat with Lavender Fringe

CREAMY YELLOW CATTALAYA WITH PURPLE FRINGE, photography and paintography by Michael (miguel) Forbus TAPPING THE SUGAR MAPLE Today we go tap the sugar maple There is a chill in the air We, bundled up and distracted Are impervious to the cold As we traipse through the woods I notice that the giant rhododendrums are going the way of the compost to sleep, Another year gone But the sap from the sugar maple And you are making the syrup in the old kitchen You stir and stir and it never sticks The house smells of sweetness and fire I am at my keyboard listening to opera And the south has its hold on you And I invent another life One that I can dream about We walk tapping the drains in the trees And I wonder if the tree feels the mordida, The little bite that gives us sweetness We hang the buckets to catch the droplets Sometimes when we do this chore, the droplets fall from my eyes at another year gone And they go so swiftly now, my dove I drag my feet to slow the days I am selfish; I want more days and nights beside you, with the quiet music of the night And the sweet smell of your neck The scent of work and sweetness You never seem to age, your eyes always clear But as I sit in my solitude Tapping away at the keys Thinking of all my heart has endured Until now Sometimes I feel as if the drainpipes we hammer into the sugar maple have been tapped into my heart And the sap is my blood, the blood of days I have wasted, the years I have burned through So I tap the keys and make my life up I invent the story with the happy ending While listening to ballad after ballad, Love song followed by another I have made poor choices and I rue those days Of all the things that I have forgotten I wish those days would fly from me Like the red-tailed hawk soars So I write these sonnets and place myself Into the arms of an imagined beloved Our eyes cannot leave the others And the fire burns, as does the fire that sweetens the syrup I know one day soon they will drench my Johnnycakes and sweeten our lips And so help me I cannot help but lean over And taste your mouth of berry stained lips And as we kiss, sometimes I need guidance to Come back to where I sit at the hand-hewn table I get lost in some astral plane and had you not the interstellar thread that connects your heart to mine I would float away with sweetness of the sugar maple on my lips and the thoughts of the giant rhododendroms coming in the spring when you also blossom The south holds you and the mountains Surround me and could I float down the river Tonight I would launch my craft and float to you and taste the syrup of your lips and lose myself in your delicate and inviting eyes But again, I make my life up I invent it with the keyboard And sometimes I believe it will come true As I write I believe it is as true as the air you breathe Copyright by Miguel Forbus, july 2007 Paintography and photography and poetry by Michael (Miguel) Forbus

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Anonymous Guest

annette steens 28 Oct 2007

Can feel through this wonderful image who you are. A man with a warm heart!

Artist Reply: Annette, my gratitude to you for a wonderful comment. Thank you so very much. I am honored that you say that. You are very gracious. Michael

julie Marks 28 Oct 2007

Yes, I am a deep romantic at heart although the depth of my soul does not restrict itself to people as you so perceptively commented knowing my deep kinship with animals. A gorgeous flower, the soft alluring eyes of Molly and feeling awe at the power of the ocean all reflect my romance with life. I can't always access those feelings and it is a compliment to your powerful and dramatically colorful photos that I draw strength from you images and your pairing this Yellow Cattalaya with your deeply felt poetry. You lift my spirit during joyful and sorrowful times. I also get lost on "astral planes' and "interstellar threads" that connect us to those rare people who possess a unique and special frequency where words are not needed when looking into "delicate and inviting eyes." All sentient creatures have deep souls and you my friend are a passionate old soul who has many good choices to make with a full life ahead of you. I remember reading, we write one script for our life and live another. Life is a mystery and hopefully as we grow older we will embrace the wisdom that will steer us on a steady course (hopefully the Tropics) away from the choices of impulsive youth. I love reading your poetry from one romantic soul to another. Again, your dramatic colors and textures are stunning and reflect your passionate heart. I look forward to reading more of your beautiful and touching poetry. You have so many talents.

Artist Reply: Dr. Julie by dear and kindred spirited friend. We are hooked with an interstellar thread and it always show in our conversations. You are quite special and your narratives and delightful conversations give me so much joy and I live a certain portion you your life with you, it is some sort of mind travel, but when you talk, I am taking some sort of repast across from you and we deepen our conversations as we deepen our thoughts. And that is just amazing to me. My best regards and blessings to you and those you love and thanks so much for all your support in my writing and painting. It is so very important to me that you like my work. My affection you all, and especially the pups. My love is always constant. Michael

Jeanie Chadwick 26 Oct 2007

very fresh and beautiful Miguel....but the poetry...wow, what can one say?

Artist Reply: Jeanie, thank you so much for your kind words. You are always so very gracious and again I am grateful for your support and kindness. It means so very much to me. Michael

Joe Sweeney 26 Oct 2007

Michael, all i can say is i feel i could eat it, looks lovely my friend.

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Joe, hope you are dong well and mending and able to paint some. Good luck to you and write when you have the feeling. Michael

William Boyer 25 Oct 2007

great job

Artist Reply: William, thank you so very much. I really appreciate your support and comments. You are very generous. Michael