• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 13 Jan 2007
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LADY CAROLINE LAMB, LITERARY BIOGRAPHER OF LORD BYRON WITH A STONG OBSESSION. digital art by Michael Forbus There is a tide in the affairs of women, Which, taken at the flood, leads, God knows where. (Lord Byron) The Lady Caroline Lamb (13 November 178526 January 1828) was a novelist and British aristocrat, the only daughter of the 3rd Earl of Bessborough. She is most remembered for her tempestuous affair with Lord Byron in 1812. Her social credentials also included being niece of the Duchess of Devonshire, and cousin (by marriage) of Lady Byron.

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etty yanai 23 Oct 2007

How lovely! sooo romantic :) I love it!

Artist Reply: Etty, my thanks and gratitude to you. Lady Caroline was devoted to Lord Byron and I am certain she was the muse of many of his incredible works. A life long devotion is is something you don't find to often. My thanks to you and have a really joyous week. Michael

Joe Sweeney 30 Sep 2007

Excellent work, Michael.

Artist Reply: Joe, can you imagine the devotion she had to him, although he was a genius and very sensitive writer. A magnificent writer and one of my favorites. She must have been a magnificent muse. Thanks so much Joe, you are always so generous. I genuinely appreciate it and your friendship. Michael

Joanna Jungjohann 19 Sep 2007

amazing beauty my friend, peace & love, jo

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Jo, you are such a kind supporter of my work. I really appreciate all your comments. Michael

Patty Day 16 Sep 2007

Beautiful work, Michael !!

Artist Reply: Patty, thank you so much, not to many people are aware of the muse of Lord Byron. She is the impetus of many of his poems of the heart. We all must have a muse, be it spiritual or material. My gratitude to you. Michael

Nira Dabush 15 Jan 2007

Delicate portrait...dreamfeel effects added..wonderful work..and excellent text added here for us.