• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 23 Jul 2011
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37 Ford Scallop

Yeah this is one regal 1937 Ford Coupe with a nice contrasting scallop down the side and back. I shot this bewdy of a Rod with me trusty Canon G11 and then proceeded to create a photo-manipulation that included two views of the car. I’m afraid I taxed me five year old Mac-Mini to the max building this wide-angle image. I shot each view with the wide-angle lens adjusted to about 10 mm and let ‘er rip as they say in our new neck of the nape in the Texas Hill Country. They speak with a distinct accent in the region – kinda funny sounding to the ear – unlike m’self ~:0) This Custom Hot-Rod was displayed at the Alzafar Shrine Custom Car Show in San Antonio, Texas last month. Lots of great cars there. I’ll be working up images of some of the cars I snapped while there. Now for a point of contention I have with the nice folks who share their Works-of-Art on Wheels with the rest of us. Like many a Custom Car at a show these machines have outstanding “lines”. What do I mean by that? Well, that is to say that the design-work on these autos is superb to say the least. Sadly, while on display the hoods and often the trunks of these show-cars are opened to display the engine or a pic-nic basket or even a set of tools. Sort of makes ‘em look like they’re broken down on the side of the road if you ask me.~:0) This short-sighted move just ruins the lines of the Rod I’m wanting to photograph – and when asked, most owners are reluctant to batten them up for my convenience. Personally, I’m not particularly interested in the contents of the hood (bonnet) or trunk (boot). Guess I’m just going to have to get up even earlier in the morning to show up before they have a chance to send up the flag – so-to-speak. Just Sayin’ - ‘course you might say what I really want is an individual shoot at the location of my choice – Fat Chance that – Ha! ~:0) VivaChas!

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Anonymous Guest

jamie winter 24 Jul 2011

awesome, cars were once a thing of beauty

Artist Reply: So true - sadly government intervention and the costs imposed by unions have placed such limitations on productivity and Spirit as to drive up the prices of anything more than mundane - but that's why we customize! - Ha! Thanks Jamie ~:0) VivaChas!