• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 12 Jun 2010
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The Black Hole

Black holes, which are only theoretical but are believed to exist by nearly all astronomers, come in many sizes. Supermassive black holes are thought to reside at the centers of most or all galaxies. Less massive objects, called stellar black holes, seem to be distributed throughout galaxies like our own Milky Way. They are formed when massive stars exhaust their fuel supplies and explode their outer shell of gas in an event called a supernova. The remaining bulk, still several times more massive than the Sun, collapses into a black hole. A spinning black hole modifies the fabric of space-time near it. The spinning allows matter to orbit at a closer distance than if it were not spinning, and the closer matter can get, the faster it can orbit. Black holes are a great danger to almost everything. If a black hole were to come close to our galaxy, planet earth could not escape the powerful gravity and earth would be vacuumed or sucked right into the void of the black hole not only ending all life but completely obliterating the planet and the entire human race would cease to exist...which by my calculations would not be fun. .....as usual, just my thoughts. .....Johnny M. ArtimationsDesignComp.Com ©2010 Artimations Design Company - All Rights Reserved -----This work is wide-screen format.


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Brenda Loveless 13 Jun 2010

fantastic work!

Artist Reply: *Hi Brenda! Thanks so much for the comment! It was fun to do, but it really made me think about how small and insignificant we as humans really are. We're like the grains of sand at the beach when it comes to the enormous size of the entire universe...but we ARE bigger than ants! lol Thanks again Brenda and by the way, your website looks really cool! Keep it up and keep on rockin because then, people will start talkin!

Anneke Hut 13 Jun 2010

What scares me the most that it looks like an eye. I love your rendering of this black hole, Johnny.

Artist Reply: *Hi Anneke! Thanks but it scares you because it looks like an eye?! It scares me, because there could be one in space with OUR number on it....hopefully not in yours or in my lifetime! Thanks so much for your comment, I appreciate it!