• Mary Janosik
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  • Image 187 of 470
  • Added 08 Jun 2009
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Lots of Green

This is one of my favorite spots on the Palisades Trail (Hwy 410). Here the vinemaples provide a greener backdrop to the mossy rocks. Also, in this portfolio, is the same shot in the late winter, before the leaves come out. I like them both for what they are.... Thanks for visiting today. Are you breathing hard yet??? We were... :-)

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Heloisa Castro 12 Jun 2009

nice shot

Anna Marie Fritz 09 Jun 2009

Again...I am seeing this through Teresa's eyes as well as yours. Marvelous!!! But when that beautiful moss is wet, on those switchbacks, it can be like walking on an oiled floor...if I remember correctly.

teresa ramalhao 09 Jun 2009

Another fantastic place, Mary! We feel peace looking it... The rocks are beautiful... the leaves tender... The all ambience is magic. Great shot.

RQ Trietsch 09 Jun 2009

This one really looks like one I took in Idyllwild, Ca. hiking with my sister, except your shot turned out better than mine (brighter).

jerry carlin 08 Jun 2009

Pacific Northwest at it finest! Great photo Mary!