• Victor Rolfe
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  • Added 13 Jul 2007
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Jumong. Lucky?

This is a lovely juvenile "Askal" (mongrel,) by the name of 'Jumong' He is NOT a stray. He belongs to one of my neighbors. Being young and utterly harmless, the owner has always let him roam free around the subdivision, (housing estate,) where I live. He almost met his end, shortly after 1:30 this morning - RIGHT OUTSIDE MY FRONT GATE. The reason it happened outside my front gate is quite simple.... Jumong and my own dog, Shoubi, are great friends. Jumong is always hungry and, even though his owner does feed him, he often comes around to my place for some extra food. So when he was attacked with a knife, where did he run to? Of course - where he thought he could seek safety. The person who did this is also one of my neighbors. He told me that he was only hitting the dog to get it away from his house. Needless to say, he couldn't explain why he needed to "hit the dog" with a big kitchen knife and neither could he explain why he stabbed and tried to kill Jumong two doors away from his own house. I was working on my computer when this happened and when I heard Jumong literally screaming, I ran out of my house completely naked - without even hesitating to get a towel. (Well, the Philippines is a hot country and I tend not to bother with pajamas when I go to bed - which I was shortly planning to do...) My God! If I had even stopped to get a towel, this poor creature would certainly be dead now. His wound looks awful and he will probably need antibiotics. He has lost a fair bit of blood but the wound has stopped bleeding and I have reasonable hopes that he will survive till the morning. As I write this, he is asleep INSIDE my house, with his best mate Shoubi, for protection. I was thinking of buying Jumong a collar the other day. If I had, he would certainly not have been able to get away from his attacker. I don't know what will happen with Jumong, after this but I'm damn glad I didn't buy him that collar.


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Cindy Lemoi 13 Jul 2007

I am absolutely disgusted by this act of violence upon this innocent animal. Thank goodness that you acted fast. I will have this beautiful dog in my thoughts and hope that he makes a recovery. As for the "man" who did this, I only hope he is held accountable and pays for what he has done.

Artist Reply: A little over 10 hours after the event, Jumong seems to be doing remarkably well. The big test will be to see if he can eat - or at least drink water... Accountability? Well, I made damn sure that all my neighbors and the guards for the subdivision know exactly who did this. But Jumong's owner does not want the incident reported to the "barangay" (kind of like a local neighborhood watch) officials. Filipinos don't like trouble. So the person who done this gets off Scot Free. This time a dog... What or who is he going to have a go at with his kitchen knife next?

bianca 13 Jul 2007

tis is so sad...man people are cruel....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr great shot BTW

Flicker Light Studio 13 Jul 2007

It is appreciated that you have documented the treatment of Jumong........ You are to be commended for your actions and kindness to this creature.... ~Q