• Sharon De Vore
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  • Added 29 Jul 2010
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This photo of my husband Frank was taken at my dear friend Annette Labedzki’s home in Vancouver BC in June. Mickey is on the floor by Frank. This has been a worse than devastating time. Frank has had serious heart problems and now kidney problems. So every time he goes into the hospital, I know that there is a big possibility that he may not live. This time the same when the ambulance took him to Fort Smith and to St. Edward Mercy Hosp. He had been deteriorating mentally & physically very rapidly for the last 3 weeks. I’d been working every day with the doctor. Now his physical condition is stable, but he has dementia. It happened so fast that I am still reeling and not comprehending fully. Even the doctor has never seen dementia progress so rapidly. My Frank, my husband, lover, friend, soul mate is gone from me. His body remains, but not him. This is heartbreaking beyond any words. I have lost him, but not in the finality of one totally dying. This is totally awful, and every day seems to bring more awfulness. He will not be coming home. SOB!!!! Please forgive me for not answering your emails and enjoying your wonderful art and commenting.


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blondeart love 12 Mar 2012

I love you Sharon I am so sorry you had to go through this I am always here for you you are only an email away from me .GOD BLESS U

Tara Diaz 24 Jun 2011

Oh, how awful. I am so sorry Sharon. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Randy Fawcett 29 Dec 2010

Hi Sharon, so sorry to hear of this, I hope your husband is doing better these days, not easy to go through the tough times of life, hopefully you will be able to think of all the good times you have spent together, thoughts and prayers and are with you at this time. Randy :)

Manoj Sharma 24 Aug 2010

Sad to read this, Sharon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Frank. Dont give up hope.

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 14 Aug 2010

sad to read this. my thoughts are with you, with him, with yours, dear Sharon.

Anneke Hut 13 Aug 2010

You are in my prayers and thoughts, dearest Sharon. I'm so sorry to read this. BIG hugs to you!

Caballero Salguero 13 Aug 2010

Sorry my dear friend Sharon, your Frank dear is impressive the problem, all this alters all in the life, is terrible, only God.....Hugs, José

Barry Huyett 10 Aug 2010

s0rry, praying for you all.


Dear Friend,We just heard of this tragic news.Our hearts break with you Dear Friend.So very sorry to hear of this tragic news...Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.(((((((Hugs))))))) Dee&David

Teresa Dominici 06 Aug 2010

Dear Sharon, I am so sorry to hear about this sad news, my thoughts are with you, hugs to you and Frank.

gregory gallo 04 Aug 2010

sharon this makes me so sad and unhappy for you, in my way i will pray for franks health and your peace of mind and acceptance, im terribly sorry for your pain.....terribly, please write to me anytime you need to talk or vent out, love gregory

Lili Segal 03 Aug 2010

My dear friend Sharon, I just heard about your tragedy and I'm so sorry for you!!! I wish you everything you need to get through this difficult times. I Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and Frank and praying for both of you. HUGS AND LOVE! Lili

Eugenia Abramson 02 Aug 2010

Dear Sharon, I am so sorry, my thoughts are with you, hugs and love to you

Barry Armitage 01 Aug 2010

Dear Sharon. I'm so sorry to hear of the hardships that have come to your family. My thoughts and prays are with you and Frank.

Julie Mayser 30 Jul 2010

Oh my, what a drastic change you report , from what we observed of our friend Frank just a few weeks ago! I will talk with you soon... and hugs to you and Frank!

Vernonette Gaddy 30 Jul 2010

Dear Sharon, My heartfelt prayers are with you and with your husband.

Debbie Shirley 30 Jul 2010

Oh Sharon, how devastating. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Ginger Lovellette 30 Jul 2010

Sharon, how devastating this must be for you! and for poor Frank too. I'm so sorry. Wish I was closer, maybe I could do something for you. I'm so very sorry. big hugs to you!

Calvin McFarlane 30 Jul 2010

a handsome fellow indeed. remember the good and the best knowing nothing can change that or diminish it. i wish you all the best and i wish you comfort at this time in your life. be encouraged. you were well loved. you loved still.

Mary Janosik 30 Jul 2010

Dear Sharon, I hope that the love and prayers of ALL of us help lessen the pain of your soulmate leaving you. Dimentia is so cruel, you want the spark of acknowledgement to show in his eyes. This picture is the way you remember the wonderful life that you shared. I pray that you will have comfort and strength to face your challenges and only feel the warmth of his love, not the pain of your loss. Don't give is a thought as you have more important things to deal with than AW. Just know that I'm here too for support and prayers that this too shall pass....(My mother-in-law is in the final stages, my husband is so afraid that it will happen to him.)

Lorna Skeie 30 Jul 2010

Sharon I am so sorry. I knew things were not good but didn't realize it had reached this point. You are both in my prayers. That is a wonderful photo and you will cherish that and alot of memories. No one can take those from you. I wish I could say or do something to ease your pain, but I know that is not possible. I am always here if you need anything. Hugs and love to you both.

Olga van Dijk 30 Jul 2010

Dear Sharon, you and Frank are in my thoughts... I will send all positive vibes possible in this for you so devastating and challenging times... Love and Light, OLGA

Cynthia Stayte 30 Jul 2010

Oh Sharon, my prayers goes out to you and Frank. I never knew how serious things were until now. It's sad and it hurts, especially when you feel so helpless, I feel your pain, and sense the sadness of all this. If you need someone to talk to, please feel free to contact me, sometimes it does a person good to vent. I will continue to pray for you both, try to be strong for Frank. Love and prayers, Cindy

Sigridur Bachmann 30 Jul 2010

My Dear Sharon.. I´m so sorry for you my friend, some how I knew it was coming,but it is nothing we can say or do to take away you pain away ! I just want to tell you if you feel like talking to me I´m here, and we have had some conversation before, So my dear friend don´t not hesitate to write to me ! God be with both of you and you and Frank will be in my prayer and everyone on AW too. Love .......Sigga.

Robin Foss 30 Jul 2010

My hart goes out to you.

Nira Dabush 30 Jul 2010

My dear Sharon.. This is a WONDERFUL photo of Frank. I'm sorry to read your info here. Very SAD news. My thoughts are with YOU.. I pray for a miracle in your LIFE. Please take care of yourself and Frank.. There's nothing to apologize for. Take a break from PC... SENDING POSITIVE THINKING FOR PURE CURE. MUCH LOVE .. HUGS XOXOX

Marika Antal 29 Jul 2010

Sharon my dear, im in a shock!! is this true what i read here about your husband? Wow im so sorry my dear friend, however you to know, that he is a sleep, and trust that you two will meet again in a new world, all my love and prayers xxxooo Marika

Dianna Newby 29 Jul 2010

Sweet Sister I feel your pain more than you know. I lost my father the same way. One day fighting phneumia and then dimentia set in quickly after a high fever of eight days and then four years of the terrible dementia....they leave without saying goodbye....I lost my dad that way....we waited by his bedside for days hoping for one minute of realization so we could say goodbye but it never came....I was twenty eight at the time and I am 63 today and still haven't gotten over not being able to say goodbye....reading your words just now brought it all back to be so real again...my heart aches for you my sister and know I am always praying for you to be strong....I love you and I am here for you if you would like a call....let me know honey anything for you. ((((Hugs for you and Frank he is lovely))) God will take care of Frank and you my lovely....God can do anything and everything....at least Frank doesn't know what is happening for you and that is a blessing knowing my dad never knew....I love you sis Dianna

Shannon Slaydon 29 Jul 2010

Sharon, I feared the worse when I hadn't heard from you in the last few days. This is absolutely devastaing news and my heart goes out to both you and your husband. I want you to know that you both have been in my thoughts and prayers the last few weeks. If you need anyone to talk to, you have my phone number. Please do not hesitate to call. I will always listen!

Donald Schrier 29 Jul 2010

You never need to ask for forgiveness from us and anyone who would feel the need for it does not deserve to be called a friend. Our prayers will go out for you and your husband. You have all of our desire for the blessings of rememberence of the good times and the strength to overlook those that seem so bad. Best wishes to you Sharon.

Warren Ballard 29 Jul 2010

We are all praying for both of you Sharon.

Shelley Walden 29 Jul 2010

Sharon, all my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank goodness Frank has you! Take care and please keep up posted.

Jerry Lee Cline 29 Jul 2010

Sharon I have no words that I can say to take away the pain and hurt, you feel now, so I hope peace be with you in strength and courage,.....Jerry Lee

kelvin Hughes 29 Jul 2010

my dear friend no words that anyone can say can take away the pain and hurt your feeling now and this is so tragic news about Frank all i can say that if you ever need to friend you know where to find me

Jackee Swinson 29 Jul 2010

May God give you the strength and courage and watch over you both in your time of needs.

mel taylor 29 Jul 2010

I'm so sorry, Sharon! I have a friend of almost 40 years who does not recognize me. It hurts a lot. I can't imagine it happening to my partner!! You and Frank are in my prayers!!

Brenda Loveless 29 Jul 2010

tears running down my face as I read of your pain, dear Sharon; God's grace be with you and Frank in this dark and trying time; many blessings to your whole family

Geoff Cooper 29 Jul 2010

Dear Sharon..... we all love you so much.. I pray for you both, you are so brave.. if you need to talk to me or anyone here please do, I'm sure I speak for all, we are here for you, if we can do anything for you please ask..

Donna PierceClark 29 Jul 2010

If it happened "quickly" I wonder if it is medications? God bless you. You are in my prayers! Love, Donna in Ohio

Laurel Talabere 29 Jul 2010

What a tragedy!! Dementia is a terrible thief of what we hold most dear!! I wish your strength and courage as you take this journey from which you can't turn back. May the enduring memories of happy times help sustain you through the great challenges that lie ahead. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Bob Caldwell 29 Jul 2010

Sharon, He looks like such a humble hearted good soul and I for yourself and Frank. Besides the art sharing and comments about each of our works I had always thought of you as a good friend, God our true and only real father is with you and Frank right now and understands all of your pains and crying. I believe a lot of us in here know what it is like to suffer pain from the loss of a love one or also the suffering of that person, knowing not what you can do in this time of pain. Because of this, many of us stand with you in sharing some of your pain. I pray to the Father that he sends great comfort your way so you will know he is always with both of you. throughout this life and the next one to come. Sharon, God our Father is an Merciful and compassionate...He loves both Frank and yourself very much sweetheart. So always remember this and as time heals the hurt continue doing your wonderful art work to share with others.

lillianhibiscus 29 Jul 2010

Words cannot describe the sorrow I feel for you Sharon.

Ai Shan 29 Jul 2010

I am so very sorry to hear this, dear Sharon. I wish you a lot of strenght and courage for the coming time.

Maria Anna Machado 29 Jul 2010

Hi Sharon...a face de Frank e' como uma gentil crianca que nao sabe da felicidade de estar com quem tanto o ama...eu ja estou com "quase" oitenta e sei que hoje podemos sonhar com alguns anos a mais, com saude e com a cabeca boa, mas os que perdem sua consciencia com certeza nao sofrem com a proximidade do sem escape ADEUS. O depois, a Deus (o ego de todos nos) pertence.Te amo como artista e grande amiga que embora longe a arte aproximou.Beijo.

Annette Labedzki 29 Jul 2010

This is so upsetting, I am so glad that we met him. What a wonderful person.

BILL NAGY 29 Jul 2010

Please accept my sympathy and regrets Sharon. I know what you are going through as I experienced my wifes deterioration with emphesema 14 years ago. I have missed her very much since but life goes on. Sincerely BILL