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Dusk Rider

©Seth F. Weaver, Sr. 04/15/10. He appears as if out of a mirage, riding over the ridge galloping straight at us. With no sound but the wind over the plains. He has been riding this tract for over a hundred years and he’ll probably ride a 100 more. Where he’s going or why he’s going …no one knows.


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Sandra McClure 21 May 2010

very nice work Seth

Artist Reply: Very much appreciated Sandra.

Kovács János 14 May 2010

Superb! :)

Artist Reply: Much appreciated Janci.

Renata Cavanaugh 12 May 2010


Artist Reply: Thank you very much Renata.

Barry Huyett 07 May 2010

diff amd g00d

Artist Reply: Thank you very much for the comment, Barry.

monique cooper 06 May 2010

Love the effects!!!

Artist Reply: Always appreciated dear Nikki.

Julia Scorupsky 05 May 2010

love the colors, Seth! Really beautiful!

Artist Reply: Always appreciated dear Julia.

Vanessa Holmstrand 05 May 2010

Love this one, Dad! The almost "stained glass" quality you gave the background in this piece is wonderful. I can see this as an illustration in a book or as the front cover of a Western novel. Great work!

Artist Reply: Thank you my darling daughter for this AWESOME comment. I was going for a mysterious feel in this work. Like he was riding out of a mirage.

Robin Foss 04 May 2010

Very well done.

Artist Reply: Thank you very much, Robin.

Anneke Hut 04 May 2010

Beautiful contrasting colours, Seth! I love the background!

Artist Reply: Always appreciated Anneke. I was trying to make this look like he was riding out of a mirage.

Maria Anna Machado 04 May 2010

beautiful work...

Artist Reply: Thank you so very much Maria Anna.